Michael Zürn is Director at the Science Center Berlin and Founding Rector of the Hertie School of Governance, Berlin. He is author of Frieden und Krieg (co-authored with Bernhard Zangl; 2003), Regieren jenseits des Nationalstaates (1998), Gerechte internationale Regime (1987) and Interessen und Institutionen (1992).
List of tables
Notes on contributors
1. Introduction: law and compliance at different levels Michael Zürn
2. The analysis of compliance with international rules: definitions, variables and methodology Jürgen Neyer and Dieter Wolf
3. State aid control at the national, European and international level Dieter Wolf
4. Domestic limits of supranational law: comparing compliance with European and international foodstuffs regulations Jürgen Neyer
5. Politics of intergovernmental redistribution: comparing compliance with European and federal redistributive regulations Jürgen Neyer
6. Conclusions - the conditions of compliance Michael Zürn and Jürgen Neyer
7. Compliance research in legal perspectives Christian Joerges