In contemporary world, more women than ever enter the labor force, but the majority of the top management positions in almost all countries are primarily held by men. Female managers/ executives generally tend to concentrate in lower management positions and have less power than men. At the same time, women are still concentrating in conventionally "female" functional areas of companies such as: HR, corporate communications, community and governmental relations, marketing and finance. The entrepreneurial expertise of a woman is far more superior to those of a man, for she does not give up easily. A few women have moved beyond the glass ceiling into the executive suite, yet their number is not proportionate to their representation at middle management levels and is far below that of their similarly qualified male counterparts. The goals of this book is to determine the factors influencing the various dimensions of leadership styles in IT women executives, to examine the impact of leadership styles on women executives performance and to suggest the measures to improve leadership styles and enhance women executives in IT industry.