Jay ArthurLean Six SIGMA Demystified, Second Edition
Jay Arthur has worked as both a quality and process manager within a Fortune 50 company and on his own as a Lean Six Sigma resultant. He has written books on Six Sigma, Lean, and software engineering
Chapter 1. What is Lean Six Sigma; Chapter 2. Lean DeMYSTiFieD; Chapter 3. A Faster Hospital in Five Days; Chapter 4. Excel Power Tools for Lean Six Sigma; Chapter 5. Reducing Defects with Six Sigma; Chapter 6. Transactional Six Sigma; Chapter 7. Reducing Variation with Six Sigma; Chapter 8. Sustaining Improvement; Chapter 9. Laser-Focused Process Innovation; Chapter 10. Making Lean Six Sigma Successful; Chapter 11. Measurement Systems Analysis; Chapter 12. Design for Lean Six Sigma; Chapter 13. Statistical Tools for Lean Six Sigma; Chapter 14. Implementing Lean Six Sigma; Final Exam; Answers to Quizzes and Final Exam; Glossary; Bibliography; Index