Vincent F. Cotter, as superintendent of schools, was the primary innovator of a unique school improvement program that dramatically improved student achievement, and for his efforts, he was awarded the prestigious American Society for Quality's International Juran Medal in the field of education for sustained systemic improvement.
Part I: Unrelenting Leadership
1: "Leaning Forward"
2: "Leading Forward"
3: "Learning Forward"
Part II: Retrofitting Schools for the 21st Century
4: Reinventing the Schools
5: Restructuring the Schools
Part III: The Process of Transformation
6: Transforming the Leadership Team
7: A Transformational Model
8: Transformational Lessons
9: Getting "It" Right
Appendix A: Performance Assessment Instruments
Appendix B: Leadership Training Model
Appendix C: Leadership Skills that Ignite Performance
About the Author