Jamie PittockLessons for Climate Change Adaptation from Better Management of Rivers
Jamie Pittock is currently at the Fenner School of Environment & Society, Australian National University. After 13 years working for the conservation organisation, WWF, Jamie Pittock resigned as Director of its Global Freshwater Program in 2007 to undertake research on the lessons, conflicts and synergies between freshwater conservation and climate change policies.
1. Water and Climate Change Adaptation
2. Lessons for Climate Change from Better Management of Rivers
3. Floodplain Restoration Along the Lower Danube: A Climate Change
Adaptation Case Study
4. Freshwater Management and Climate Change Adaptation: Experiences from
the Great Ruaha River Catchment in Tanzania
5. Restoration of Traditional Water Storage Systems: An Effective Strategy
to Meet the Water Demand and Adopt to the Uncertainties of Climate Change
while Improving the Livelihoods and Ecosystems - a Case Study of Maner
Sub-Basin, Godavari River, India
6. Freshwater Management and Climate Change Adaptation - Experiences from
the Central Yangtze Region in China
7. Integrated River Basin Management in the Conchos River Basin, Mexico: A
Freshwater Climate Change Adaptation Study
8. The Basis for Climate Change Adaptation Under a Successful Participatory
Process, Sao Joao Basin, Brazil
9. Embracing Uncertainty in Freshwater Climate Change Adaptation: A Natural
History Approach