What does 20th-century cyberpunk literature have to
do with a mild mannered 19th-century British don who
hid his shyness behind the façade of a children s
writer? At first glance, it seems as though the two
have absolutely nothing in common. But, when one
realizes the don in question is none other than the
Reverend Charles Dodgson, better known to the world
as Lewis Carroll, author of such classics as Alice s
Adventures in Wonderland and Alice s Adventures
Through the Looking Glass, the connection becomes
slightly more focused. There is no doubting that
Carroll s creatures continually appear in popular
culture from music videos to video games to works of
science fiction. What is in question is why. Why do
Carroll s characters figure in science fiction? Is
it just the oddness and the bizarre quality of his
works that cause popular culture to reach back to
them? Or, is it possible that Carroll s influence
penetrates deeper than just his psychedelic
characters and surreal plot twists? The goal of this
work is to find an answer that goes beyond
the superficial weirdness of Carroll s worlds.
do with a mild mannered 19th-century British don who
hid his shyness behind the façade of a children s
writer? At first glance, it seems as though the two
have absolutely nothing in common. But, when one
realizes the don in question is none other than the
Reverend Charles Dodgson, better known to the world
as Lewis Carroll, author of such classics as Alice s
Adventures in Wonderland and Alice s Adventures
Through the Looking Glass, the connection becomes
slightly more focused. There is no doubting that
Carroll s creatures continually appear in popular
culture from music videos to video games to works of
science fiction. What is in question is why. Why do
Carroll s characters figure in science fiction? Is
it just the oddness and the bizarre quality of his
works that cause popular culture to reach back to
them? Or, is it possible that Carroll s influence
penetrates deeper than just his psychedelic
characters and surreal plot twists? The goal of this
work is to find an answer that goes beyond
the superficial weirdness of Carroll s worlds.