Life as a Teenage Superhero is an action-packed middle grade novel that follows the journey of Cory MacGregor, a young boy whose father is kidnapped by the super villain group, CHIMERA. Cory's father is not only a world-renowned hardware engineer, but also Los Angeles's beloved superhero, Arsenal. With the help of the Pacific League of Heroes, Cory embarks on a dangerous mission to rescue his father, but things don't go as planned, and the team is ambushed, leaving them hurt and vulnerable. After Cory contacts his Uncle Jerry, a brilliant inventor and engineer, together they create superhero armor for Cory and he sets out to face CHIMERA. However, he unexpectedly receives help from an unlikely source, a junior super villain named Shōtō. She promises to help Cory rescue his father, but her true motivations remain unclear. As Cory navigates through dangerous situations, he discovers the true meaning of heroism and what it takes to become a superhero. With the help of Shōtō and his own ingenuity, Cory faces off against the villains and saves his father and the city from danger. Life as a Teenage Superhero is an exciting and heartwarming story that will captivate young readers with its thrilling action, engaging hero, and unexpected plot twists. Start reading the series today!
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