'The 'Life On The Edge' revolves around Tamhankar family with the lead characters Ganesh, Ramya and their three daughters (Mrunali, Shruti and Jaya). It goes back to the 80s and then traverses a journey into the 21st century. The backdrop is in chawls set-up in suburban Mumbai. This book goes beyond this typical construed notion about chawls, of filth, loudness, and full-of-people. Instead, it traces upon the edges of life that the people in chawl touch very often and drive the upliftment of themselves, society, and nation at large. This book touches upon the tragic events that occurred in Mumbai; and its unforgettable impact on Tamhankar family. City and its people evolved during this time, to catch-up with the modernity and lay the foundation for the rest of India. This book covers how this evolution unfolds on Tamhankar family. Who is the hero of this book? Ganesh, who anchors his family, the people in the chawl? Or Ramya, who silently performs the leading lady? Or Mrunali and Shruti, who represent the modern women, reflecting high ambitions, clear vision and brave approach. Or Jaya, who overcomes God-given defect, exhibiting humility, kindness and defines her own path. This book provides the answers!
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