1Life with God is a biblical study of salvation and eternal life. Through this study, Dr. White helps us take a close look at God's Word as he explains many fascinating, theological concepts relating to knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. His practical manner of teaching is fresh and exciting. His deep insights are thought provoking to all who enjoy the Bible (both the well studied and beginners too). You will enjoy your study of Life with God as Larry leads you from one glorious truth to another. Then, you will better enjoy your Life with God as you live each day and prepare for eternity. Some of the intriguing topics discussed are: What does it mean to "believe" as relating to salvation? What is "eternal life" according to God's Word? What causes some to "believe" but their lives are not changed? Why does God condemn unbelievers? Why does God not condemn believers? What happens to a believer who dies with unconfessed sins? What happens to children who die before the age of accountability? What must an unsaved person do to be saved? Why is it imperative for believers to believe in the eternal wrath of God? After almost 30 years of serving as a pastor, Larry saw the need to write a book to help believers know what we believe and why we believe as we do concerning Life with God. Larry is confident those who study this book will have gained a better working knowledge of what the Bible teaches about salvation and how to teach, preach or share one's faith more effectively. Larry has a driving passion for revival and spiritual awakening in America. That desire flows from the deepest passion of his life, which is the glory of God through the Lord Jesus Christ.