Just as a song or scent conjures memories or
feelings, film influences its audience. Many
underestimate the power of the silver screen,
especially when the movieviewers are children and
the film is animated. Much of that influence lies in
the linguistic aspects of the characters. This
book examines the claim that animated films
influence childrens' opinions of accented-English.
Two hundred and eighteen 3rd through 5th graders
participated in a web-based survey. They listened to
speakers with various accents: Mainstream US English
(MUSE), African American Vernacular English (AAVE),
French, British, and Arabic. Respondents judged
speakers' personality traits (Work Ethic, Wealth,
Attitude, Intelligence), assigned jobs/life
positions, and provided personal information, movie
watching habits, and exposure to foreign languages.
Anyone is welcome to read this book and will find
particular aspects interesting; however, those who
have children, plan to have children, or are
themselves movieviewers will find particular
interest in the findings within this book.
feelings, film influences its audience. Many
underestimate the power of the silver screen,
especially when the movieviewers are children and
the film is animated. Much of that influence lies in
the linguistic aspects of the characters. This
book examines the claim that animated films
influence childrens' opinions of accented-English.
Two hundred and eighteen 3rd through 5th graders
participated in a web-based survey. They listened to
speakers with various accents: Mainstream US English
(MUSE), African American Vernacular English (AAVE),
French, British, and Arabic. Respondents judged
speakers' personality traits (Work Ethic, Wealth,
Attitude, Intelligence), assigned jobs/life
positions, and provided personal information, movie
watching habits, and exposure to foreign languages.
Anyone is welcome to read this book and will find
particular aspects interesting; however, those who
have children, plan to have children, or are
themselves movieviewers will find particular
interest in the findings within this book.