16,99 €
inkl. MwSt.

Versandfertig in 6-10 Tagen
  • Broschiertes Buch

This fiction collection includes creative works of amateur and talented young uzbek poet and writers. It contains a lot of beautiful poems, short stories, articles and fairy tales. All of the works that tell about parents, teachers, nature, homeland, love, happiness and dreams are especially worthy of priase. Most of the authors are young, knowledgable, talented and amatuer writers and poets of Uzbekistan. Their wonderful and reading works are united by the Orzigul Sherova and Ayganim Beknazarova.

This fiction collection includes creative works of amateur and talented young uzbek poet and writers. It contains a lot of beautiful poems, short stories, articles and fairy tales. All of the works that tell about parents, teachers, nature, homeland, love, happiness and dreams are especially worthy of priase. Most of the authors are young, knowledgable, talented and amatuer writers and poets of Uzbekistan. Their wonderful and reading works are united by the Orzigul Sherova and Ayganim Beknazarova.
Orzigul Sherova UzSLWU 3-bosqich talabasi. Köplab sh¿er va maqolalar muallifi. Bir qancha Xalqaro tashkilotlar elchisi. "So'ngsiz hislarim" nomli kitob va bir qator antalogiyalar muallifi.Sevinch Toshmuhammedova Samarqand viloyati 11-sinfning iqtidorli o'quvchisi. Havaskor shoira. Bir qancha ijod namunalar xalqaro antalogiyalarda nashr qilingan.