Literatur schlägt Brücken zwischen unterschiedlichen Zeiten (Antike und Neuzeit), Räumen (Ost und West), Künsten und Gesellschaftsschichten, Geistes- und Naturwissenschaften. Zahlreiche Texte aus europäischen und außereuropäischen Literaturen werden übersetzt und erläutert. Die vergleichenden Untersuchungen gehen teils von den rezipierten (z.B. Catull, Lukrez, Vergil), teils von den rezipierenden Autoren aus (Grünbein, Turgenev, Goethe), teils sind sie thematisch orientiert (Teppich-Metapher, Übersetzungsproblematik). Die Interpretationen bieten Anregungen für den Unterricht in Latein, Deutsch und modernen Fremdsprachen.
Literature builds bridges between different eras (antiquity and modern times), spaces (Orient and Occident), arts and social strata, natural sciences and the humanities. Numerous texts from European and extra-European literatures are translated and explained here. The comparative studies start partly from the authors received (Catullus, Lucretius, Vergil etc.) and partly from the receiving authors (Grünbein, Turgenev, Goethe), and they are partly thematically oriented (carpet metaphor, problem of translation). The interpretations stimulate teaching in Latin, German and modern languages.
Literature builds bridges between different eras (antiquity and modern times), spaces (Orient and Occident), arts and social strata, natural sciences and the humanities. Numerous texts from European and extra-European literatures are translated and explained here. The comparative studies start partly from the authors received (Catullus, Lucretius, Vergil etc.) and partly from the receiving authors (Grünbein, Turgenev, Goethe), and they are partly thematically oriented (carpet metaphor, problem of translation). The interpretations stimulate teaching in Latin, German and modern languages.