Die Festschrift ist Prof. Dr. Paul Martin Langner, Leiter des Lehrstuhls für Germanistische Literaturwissenschaft an der Pädagogischen Universität Krakau, gewidmet. Der Friedrich Hebbel-Experte und hervorragende Wissenschaftler in den Bereichen der Überlieferungsgeschichte, Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte sowie Editionsphilologie feiert 2021 seinen 65. Geburtstag. Dies nahmen sechzehn Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus Deutschland und Polen zum Anlass, sich mit folgenden Themen zu beschäftigen: Rezeption von Friedrich Hebbels Werken, Kulturkontakte zwischen West und Ost, Verbindungen von Literatur mit Theater und Musik sowie literarische Übersetzung. Die Themenkreise zeugen von der vielseitigen Inspiration, die Paul Martin Langner als Forscher, Hochschullehrer und Freund gegeben hat.
This collection of essays is dedicated to Paul Martin Langner, Professor and Head of the Department of German Literature at the Pedagogical University of Kraków. Professor Langner, an eminent scientist in the fields of tradition history, history of culture and editorial philology as well as an expert on Friedrich Hebbel, will celebrate his 65th birthday in 2021. The event has brought together sixteen renowned academics from Germany and Poland to honour Professor Langner with their contributions. They cover the following thematic areas: reception of works by Friedrich Hebbel, cultural contacts between the West and the East, literary translation and relationships between literature, theatre and music. This thematic range reflects a variety of inspirations Professor Langner has provided as a researcher, university lecturer and friend.
This collection of essays is dedicated to Paul Martin Langner, Professor and Head of the Department of German Literature at the Pedagogical University of Kraków. Professor Langner, an eminent scientist in the fields of tradition history, history of culture and editorial philology as well as an expert on Friedrich Hebbel, will celebrate his 65th birthday in 2021. The event has brought together sixteen renowned academics from Germany and Poland to honour Professor Langner with their contributions. They cover the following thematic areas: reception of works by Friedrich Hebbel, cultural contacts between the West and the East, literary translation and relationships between literature, theatre and music. This thematic range reflects a variety of inspirations Professor Langner has provided as a researcher, university lecturer and friend.