Becoming a Literary Work: By Way of Introduction (1)
Part I: The Status of the Work (15)
1 The Literary Work as an Instantial Entity (17)
2 "Non-retinal Literature": Dematerialization in/of Literature (29)
3 "It's the Idea That Counts": On the Status of Ideas in Propositional
Literature (51)
Part II: The Materiality and Integrity of the Work (73)
4 Stephane Mallarme's A Throw of the Dice as a Paradigm of Literary
Site-specificity (75)
5 Pageworks: The Second Dimension of Literature (85)
6 Bookworks: The Third Dimension of Literature (105)
7 "The Critical Investigation of the 'Bookness' of the Book" (123)
Part III: The Attribution and Identity of the Work (149)
8 Aggressive Appropriation (151)
9 Appropriation Literature: One Text, Two Works (163)
10 A Series of Unique Copies: Different Texts, One Work (187)
11 Translations as Transcreations (213)
Part IV: The Sociality and Autonomy of the Work (239)
12 Site-Specificity and Context-Sensitivity (241)
13 "A Kind of Writing through Publishing" (259)
14 System Test: Institutional Critique of the White Spaces of Literature
Coda: The (Literary) Work as Matter of Negotiation (329)
Acknowledgments (343)
Notes (345)
Bibliography (381)
Index (411)