A qualitative project using in-depth interviews
examined the acculturation trends of Asian Indian
adolescents. The researcher interviewed eight Asian
Indian adolescents living in Chicago and various
areas of Kansas. All adolescents have either
immigrated from India at an early age or are the
children of immigrant parents. The adolescents were
asked questions about the community they grew up in
and the type of television they watched in an
attempt to explain their acculturation experiences.
An overwhelming theme among the interviews is the
feeling of isolation and frustration. All Indian
adolescents interviewed for this project said that
they felt alone and that nobody understood what they
were feeling. Their responses were used in writing a
newspaper-style story about how these adolescents
have adjusted to American culture, while still
maintaining the Indian values and expectations being
taught to them at home.
examined the acculturation trends of Asian Indian
adolescents. The researcher interviewed eight Asian
Indian adolescents living in Chicago and various
areas of Kansas. All adolescents have either
immigrated from India at an early age or are the
children of immigrant parents. The adolescents were
asked questions about the community they grew up in
and the type of television they watched in an
attempt to explain their acculturation experiences.
An overwhelming theme among the interviews is the
feeling of isolation and frustration. All Indian
adolescents interviewed for this project said that
they felt alone and that nobody understood what they
were feeling. Their responses were used in writing a
newspaper-style story about how these adolescents
have adjusted to American culture, while still
maintaining the Indian values and expectations being
taught to them at home.