2 Angebote ab € 7,92 €
  • Broschiertes Buch

This book includes a new 50-plus-page Quebec City chapter, dedicated music chapter, tailored itineraries and themed walking tours, and a Getting Started chapter for predeparture planning. It is written by savvy native Quebecois and a Montreal resident, featuring local voices through interviews and features; special insider tips for travelling with children, and for women and seniors; and a French language chapter and glossary written by a native speaker.

This book includes a new 50-plus-page Quebec City chapter, dedicated music chapter, tailored itineraries and themed walking tours, and a Getting Started chapter for predeparture planning. It is written by savvy native Quebecois and a Montreal resident, featuring local voices through interviews and features; special insider tips for travelling with children, and for women and seniors; and a French language chapter and glossary written by a native speaker.
Regis St. Louis entdeckte die Welt zuerst durch die Ausgaben des NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC-Magazins auf dem Dachboden seines Elternhauses, verbrachte ein Jahr in Moskau, arbeitete in San Francisco und lebt jetzt in New York. Seit zehn Jahren reist er kreuz und quer durch Brasilien. Er kennt den Karneval in Rio und Salvador de Bahia, hat den Amazonas erkundet und verschlafene Dörfer ebenso besucht wie die boomenden Metropolen des Landes.