This romantic action adventure begins onboard the RELENTLESS-a star cruiser captained by the dashing Jake Granger who narrates this voyage. Dr. Jessica L. Hunter, a wealthy and telepathic genius, joins his crew to create new systems for his ship. Jake is fascinated by Jessi's abilities during several critical assignments. After the initial modifications are installed, Jessi learns the truth about herself while on a rescue mission. Jake loves Jessi and has a difficult time convincing her of his feelings. When the RELENTLESS is placed into space dock, Jake asks Jessi to marry him and is elated when she finally accepts his marriage proposal. After their lavish wedding, the newlyweds leave on their honeymoon. Jessi is later required to renegotiate another peace treaty with the Tricanorians. The time arrives when Jessi must make the perilous journey to Rneadal; although pregnant Jessi travels to Rneadal and risks all to rescue the Rtuii.
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