The University of Atlantico (Spanish: Universidad del Atlántico), also called Uniatlantico, is a public, departmental, coeducational, research university based in the city of Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia. It is the largest higher education institution by student population in the department with 12,248 students, and a faculty of 656 full time equivalent professors. The university was established by the ordinance No. 24 of 1941 as the Institute of Technology of Atlántico (Spanish: Instituto de Tecnología del Atlántico), under the tutelage of philosopher Julio Enrique Blanco. Then, it changed its name to the present by the ordinance No. 42 of June 15, 1946. The university has three campus in the city. The main one known as the North Campus, and two satellite campuses known as the Downtown Campus, and the School of Arts.