López Obrador became president in 2018. More than seventy years of control by a hegemonic party ended on July 1st of that year. Thousands of people gathered in Mexico City's Zócalo to celebrate this civic triumph. Faces of happiness and looks of hope could be recognized on the faces of young people, the elderly and women. For some it meant having the first leftist president in Mexico. For others of the radical left, he was a "capitalist", "Bonapartist" or "neoliberal". For conservatives and the ultra-right he was a "communist", "populist" or "chavista". There is still no agreement on the characterization of this government. This is the origin of the concern to develop this research work that seeks to answer questions such as: is this government leftist, populist, progressive, humanist? The reading of this material can provide you with the tools that will allow you to construct your own answers to these questions. Your reflection is important not only in the abstract realm, but also in the practical realm of your daily work.