Within the pages of this enchanting fairy tale emerges a world where imagination reigns, and dreams come to light. Lupo, a brave little explorer, embarks on a journey into the night to discover the brightest star - a star that symbolizes the unique love between a child and his mother. Along his way, he will encounter constellations that speak of unity, resilience, wisdom, and love. The story of Lupo and Luna is a journey into the world of stars, a narrative that transforms the sky into a place full of magic and strong emotional connections. At the same time, it is a story that speaks to the essential significance of family, proving that familial bonds of love are not necessarily biological. A fairy tale for all ages, reminding everyone of the beauty of love and the value of family, offering a reminder that each person is a shining star in their own universe. Open the book and let your imagination guide you into a world where dreams take shape, and stars speak the language of the heart. A Bilingual Greek and English Adventure. The book includes a QR with additional documentation.
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