As a thought provoking and challenging study, this book analyzes twentieth-century archetypal works fostered mainly by Jung as they enrich and vitalize the novels of Mademoiselle de Scudéry, a seventeenth-century French writer. The focal area of comparison includes symbolic expression of man's spiritual experience, the looking-glass self concept as a literary and psychological vehicle, and the growth and development of the individual as portrayed in mirror images.
"Madeleine de Scudéry can be defined as the 'grand lady' of the 17th-century French Romance. She can also be called the intriguing 'domino player' of the 'roman à clef', the inexhaustible producer of her century's 'Roman fleuve', a women's educator through the many conversations which enrich her prolific vein and a marvelous creator of exoticism, passion and suspense. Madeleine de Scudéry has been the focus of national and international specialized research during the last 30 years. It is therefore with great pride that we welcome a publication which, in the 'year of the women' centers the spotlight on the 17th-century queen of fiction. We owe to Joanne Davis' study 'the pleasure of Madeleine de Scudéry's company' in a special Peter Lang Edition." (Dr. Azzurra Givens)