Maha Kapphina (Kappina, Kaphina, Kapphina, Kampilla, Kaphila or Kashphila, or Maha Kappina) , also called Maha Kapphina Thera, was an eminent Arahant from Uttarapatha and is considered foremost among those who taught the monks. Maha Kapphina was his monastic name. He became disciple of Buddha and is one of the five hundred Arahants who will be born as future Buddhas, according to the Buddhist beliefs. The reference to Kapphina is found in the Jatakas, Manorathapurani, the commentary on Dhammapada, Visuddh magga, Samyutta Saratthappakasini Commentary, Simuutta Nikaya, Anguttara Nikaya, Vinaya Pitaka, Therag th , Therag th Commentary etc., as well as in the Sanskrit Avadanashatika.