This book provides an overview of free education in the Democratic Republic of Congo since its effective implementation in all levels of primary education since 2019. Indeed, this governmental measure was warmly welcomed by the parents of students who, trapped since the educational crisis of 1992, are obliged each year to release more or less important sums to make up for the insignificant salary of teachers in public schools. However, it did not take long for everything to turn into a nightmare. Several problems have arisen and have cast doubt on the credibility and even the sustainability of this salutary measure: overcrowded classrooms, the government's lack of respect for the improvement of teachers' working conditions and all the consequences that follow. What should I do in the face of this sad reality as an intellectual and technician of education? Instead of criticizing or fighting against free education, we have been led by common sense to propose strategies in order to succeed in this challenge of free education and to link it to the imperatives of development.