"Witty, wise, accessible, and refreshingly female-voiced, Jo McRell's book is like a super savvy BFF sitting with you on the sofa, sipping wine, and sharing invaluable insider secrets of success." -- S. Lucia Kanter St. Amour, author of For the Forces of Good: The Superpower of Everyday Negotiation Forget the corporate ladder. Design a career you love and make work work for you. The future of work is coming. Are you ready? Worried about artificial intelligence, work life balance, changing rules of workplace productivity, workplace diversity, or being replaceable? How about bad bosses, office culture and politics, or burnout? Wondering what "bring your whole self to work" really means? Want to know how to get more flexibility, create financial freedom, and advocate for yourself? Then this book is for you. This book is your career guide to navigate the changing workplace, with:The Truth: Get the no BS context on the nuanced rules of workplace behavior and its challenges. The Tips: Learn from a diversity of collective wisdom to fast track your success. The Tools: Craft a career that fuels your life, not the other way around. Bonus: You'll also get instant access to a free personal career map to make work work for you and your priorities. Making Work Work for You is for early to mid-career professionals, especially women, people of color, and people who find that the "culture fit" of many workplaces doesn't fit them. Today work and the job market are in transition. If you're ready to ditch the status quo, let's build a career that helps you get more of what you want. Learn what other professional development books or women in business books don't tell you:Know your worth (and how to negotiate to get paid what you deserve!) Create more value (focusing on meaningful work and networking that gets results!) Avoid common problems (from becoming career-limiting moves and recover from mistakes!) Build for your future (because AI can't replace your human touch!) Take control of your career instead of feeling like it controls you.
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