In the chaos and destruction of World War II, a small farmhouse in Northern Italy stands quiet and unnoticed...until the young witch who lives there uses the dark magic of the evil eye to protect herself. Disrupted radio communications, missing soldiers, and horrifying canine creatures draw a distant wizard closer. An American soldier named Edward may be her connection to salvation. But is the beautiful young witch protecting herself from a past she does not understand? Thwarted in his efforts to save his companions and escape what appears to be an enemy trap, Edward Layne is pulled deep into the struggle between good and evil, light and darkness. Who is the distant wizard, and why has he come to the farmhouse? Will the young witch overcome the taint of dark magic before Malocchio escapes and the evil eye consumes her and Edward? --------------------- In this fast-paced dark fantasy novella, the powers of light and darkness collide, compelling characters to weave their lives together in a dangerous dance of life or death. Described as "Game of Thrones meets The Walking Dead" and "The Dark Tower meets The Wheel of Time", Malocchio, Dark Magic of the Evil Eye is packed with ancient magic, horrifying monsters, and layers of human agendas...perfect for fans of Brandon Sanderson, Neil Gaiman, Patrick Rothfuss and George R.R. Martin. --------------------- Join dark fantasy author Nicholas Anthony's VIP Reader Club for more dark secrets, delivered directly to your inbox. As a member of the VIP Reader Club, you will receive: Special offers and discounted books Exclusive behind the scenes Book recommendations >Sign up for the VIP Reader Club on the author's website Follow author Nicholas Anthony on Twitter @byNickAnthony
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