The orofacial clefts are congenital deformities, which manifest at birth. The meaning of cleft is a crack, split fissure or a gap. The congenital cleft lip and/or cleft palate anomaly has a very important place in Health Sciences because of epidemiology, racial-ethnic variation, etiology, surgery, orthodontics, speech pathology, and prosthetic rehabilitation. The children afflicted with this anomaly are handicapped right from birth for breastfeeding, deglutition, recurrent Naso-bronchial infection, defective speech, improper growth and development affecting the total personality of the individual. The present-day society demands from the medical and health profession the total personality development of such an individual so that he is not a stigma as well as a burden on the society. This book presents detailed information regarding management and different treatment protocols in cleft lip and palate in orthodontics.