Dental trauma is one of the important oral health problems in childhood which is expected to exceed the prevalence of dental caries and periodontal diseases in foreseeable future posing a significant threat among young people in terms of aesthetics, psychological aspects, social and therapeutic aspects. It causes pain and distress not only to children but also to their parents. Traumatic injuries are on the rise and are the third largest cause of the mortality of teeth in children. As pediatric dentists dental trauma in children is of prime importance for us, because here not only the teeth will be involved, but the child's entire self-image and self-esteem is at stake.Traumatic injuries are caused by many external factors such as violence, accidents, fall etc., the extension, intensity and gravity of which may reach both dental element and its supporting structures and good prognosis of traumatized teeth depends on how quickly and efficiently the tooth has been treated not only by dental professionals but also by the lay persons who are present at the scene of the accident. Traumatic injuries constitute unfortunate, painful, and distressing events.