A Grant-in-Aid CHED-UPLB-ZRC environmental undertaking serves as an eye-opener to all Mindoreños of their responsibility to conserve and preserve in perpetuity Naujan Lake National Park, to protect its natural and scenic area with national and international significance,and maintain its unique quality for spiritual, educational, scientific and recreational purposes. This research treats of the enforcement of guidelines on the stakeholders and residents within Naujan Lake National Park specifically on the status of their livelihood, health, sanitation, nutrition, biodiversity conservation, eco-tourism, and agri-production. Human development theory is the basis of the management programs for natural resources as it impacts on the life of the stakeholders and the residents within the area. This also signifies the human empowerment in management and conservation of natural resources thus the human race is called to explore his order, to examine it with due care and use it and safeguard 'integrity of nature. Results would help the residents and the stakeholders venture on plotting appropriate programs for sustainable development.