The zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMC) plays a key role in the structure, function and aesthetic appearance of the facial skeleton. It provides normal cheek contour and separates the orbital contents from the temporal fossa and maxillary sinus. It provides lateral globe support necessary for binocular vision. The zygomatic arch is the insertion site for the masseter muscle and protects the temporalis muscle and coronoid process.In zygomatic fractures caused by altercation, left zygoma is most commonly affected owing to greater incidence of right handed individuals, but this is not so in unilateral fractures caused by motor vehicle accidents. According to Ellis and co-workers,bilateral fracture of zygoma are uncommon and account for 4% of zygomatic fractures and were mostly result of trauma inflicted in vehicular accidents than that inflicted in altercation. Other associated facial fractures occur in 25% of patients who sustain ZMC fractures. Hence, the goal of treatment should be reestablishing both cosmesis and function.