The study examined the effects of management skills on financial sustainability of SMEs. The following objectives guided the study; to assess the effect of technical skills on financial sustainability, to establish the effect of communication skills on financial sustainability and to determine the effect of human relations skills on financial sustainability. The study used a descriptive research design. The sample size for the study of 149 was drawn from a study population of 185. The coefficients of variations aimed at establishing the extent of influences of the independent variables; human relations skills, communication skills, technical skills affected financial sustainability of SMEs in Kawempe division. Findings identified technical skills as the highest contributing factor of management skills to financial sustainability with (betaeta value of .426, Sig. at 0.000 t-value=4.836>1.96). Human relations skills ranks the second contributing factor of management skills to financial sustainability (betaeta value=.337, Sig. at 0.000 t-value=4.765<1.96). Findings revealed that communication skills has the lowest influence on financia lsustainability (betaeta value= .152, Sig. at .036).