Software development failures are invariably caused by a combination of circumstances - circumstances that are rarely technical in origin. Increasingly, standard risk management practices used in other industries are being applied to software development projects.
Jedes Jahr verlieren Unternehmen Millionen durch Softwarefehler. Entwickler sind permanent auf Suche nach verbesserten Möglichkeiten der Qualitätssicherung und -kontrolle für ihre Produkte. Einer der erfolgversprechendsten neuen Ansätze fordert, daß - ebenso wie in anderen Industriezweigen - auch in der Software-Entwicklung Verfahren des Qualitäts- und Risikomanagments angewandt werden. Dieser handliche Führer macht Sie vertraut mit diesen Techniken und Methoden und zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie diese auf Ihre Projekte übertragen. (cat06/99)
Jedes Jahr verlieren Unternehmen Millionen durch Softwarefehler. Entwickler sind permanent auf Suche nach verbesserten Möglichkeiten der Qualitätssicherung und -kontrolle für ihre Produkte. Einer der erfolgversprechendsten neuen Ansätze fordert, daß - ebenso wie in anderen Industriezweigen - auch in der Software-Entwicklung Verfahren des Qualitäts- und Risikomanagments angewandt werden. Dieser handliche Führer macht Sie vertraut mit diesen Techniken und Methoden und zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie diese auf Ihre Projekte übertragen. (cat06/99)
"Managing Software Quality and Business Risk addresses itself to software project leaders, managers and technicians alike, pulling them temporarily away from their own discipline and encouraging them to view the gestalt of project planning. You get an overview of what each of these areas of expertise has to offer: a technician, for example, might learn the importance and practicality of risk planning first, followed by quality planning. (The software project team that does not calculate for the eventualities of many kinds of failure is re-enacting a tragedy of Shakespearean proportions.) The unifying theme is studying and perfecting the planning process, and ensuring that your project plan has minimised associated risks and maximised quality.
The style is clear, and though the writing is studded with a fair amount of jargon, it clearly lays out management information and perspectives. On the practical side, the author takes you through several techniques and introduces insights from those skilled in coping with market forces or with service users, often underestimated, misunderstood or completely ignored by programmers. There are plenty of interesting, well-designed grey tone charts and diagrams that instantly bring to the fore the subject or strategy being developed, and examples are given throughout. This is a book that is best approached as a good, thought-provoking read rather than as a reference.--" -Wilf Hey ,
The style is clear, and though the writing is studded with a fair amount of jargon, it clearly lays out management information and perspectives. On the practical side, the author takes you through several techniques and introduces insights from those skilled in coping with market forces or with service users, often underestimated, misunderstood or completely ignored by programmers. There are plenty of interesting, well-designed grey tone charts and diagrams that instantly bring to the fore the subject or strategy being developed, and examples are given throughout. This is a book that is best approached as a good, thought-provoking read rather than as a reference.--" -Wilf Hey ,