I: Nature of the Water Quality Problem
1: Introduction
2: The Nature of Waste Discharges and Their Effects on Receiving Waters
3: The Relation of Water Quality to Water Uses
4: Managing Waste Loads and the Assimilative Capacity of Receiving Waters
II: Economic Concepts and Policies for Controlling Individual Waste Discharges
5: Water Quality and Resources Allocation by Private Markets
6: Causing Offsite Costs to Be Reflected in Waste Disposal Decisions
7: Standards, Charges, and Equity
8: Cases Comparing Effluent Charges and Effluent Standards
9: Policy Alternatives for Influencing Individual Waste Discharges
III: Economic Concepts Relating to Regional Water Quality Management Systems with Collective Facilities
10: Collective Facilities in Water Quality Management
11: U.S. Cases of Regional Water Quality Systems Analysis
12: Water Management in the Ruhr: A Case Study of the Genossenschaften
IV: Institutional and Organizational Approaches to Regional Water Quality Management
13: The Approaches
V: Implementation and Management
14: A Policy for the Future