Der Band versammelt neue Forschungsbeiträge zu Marcion, dem bedeutendsten Ketzer der christlichen Antike, und setzt sich dabei insbesondere mit Adolf von Harnacks epochaler Marcioninterpretation auseinander. Harnacks Bild von Marcion als eines biblizistischen Theologen und treuen Paulusschülers, der den theologischen Entwicklungen des 2. Jahrhunderts fremd gegenübersteht, hat sich als historisch fragwürdige Modernisierung erwiesen. Die einzelnen Beiträge des Bandes ordnen Marcion und die marcionitische Kirche wieder in ihren historischen Kontext ein. Erstmals werden auch die theologiegeschichtlichen Hintergründe der Marciondeutung Harnacks und ihre Rezeption im 20. Jahrhundert gründlicher beleuchtet.
The volume presents a collection of new research findings on Marcion, the most important heretic in Classical times, and in particular takes issue with Adolf von Harnack's epoch-making interpretation of Marcion. Harnack's view of Marcion as a biblical theologian and faithful pupil of Paul's, who was alienated by the theological developments of the 2nd century, has proved to be a historically questionable modernisation. The papers in this volume place Marcion and the Marcionite Church back in their historical context. For the first time, the papers also reveal more thoroughly the theological historical background to Harnack's interpretation of Marcion and its reception in the 20th century.
The volume presents a collection of new research findings on Marcion, the most important heretic in Classical times, and in particular takes issue with Adolf von Harnack's epoch-making interpretation of Marcion. Harnack's view of Marcion as a biblical theologian and faithful pupil of Paul's, who was alienated by the theological developments of the 2nd century, has proved to be a historically questionable modernisation. The papers in this volume place Marcion and the Marcionite Church back in their historical context. For the first time, the papers also reveal more thoroughly the theological historical background to Harnack's interpretation of Marcion and its reception in the 20th century.