Nowadays the technical simulators are an important part of the modern engineering education. They assist the training of the students in the classrooms by creating realistic scenarios. FESTO didactic simulator is based on pneumatic logic and flexible programs employed in programmable logical controllers (PLCs) to accomplish concrete task. Some real technical problems can be represented by means of different pneumatic and electric units included in the simulator kits. The main objectives are the visualization and the creative interpretation of complicated operating algorithms of automated marine systems and devices. In this manner the trainees take part in all stages of the project - definition of the operating logic; PLC programming ; choosing proper didactic units for scheme interpretation. Eventually the trainees are able to assemble their system by connecting the selected elements, test its operation and the synchronization of the actuators. That gives them good opportunity for basic troubleshooting by tracking the wrong connections and fixing their system operation. The problem is solved in a step by step manner.