The causes that have plunged the electric power sector into the abyss are many and varied. They can be traced back several decades, to a combination of negligence and lack of strategic foresight on the part of successive governments in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), as well as the over-dependence of our sovereign decisions on the vision of major donors. As for the company's internal causes, we would like to mention three, without being exhaustive: poor corporate governance, insufficient investment, collection problems and the non-application of real tariffs. The management of Société Nationale d'Electricité (SNEL S.A) should be strategic, given the importance of electrical energy in our country's development process. Management should obey both the strict discipline of good governance principles and the rigor of technical and financial decisions for its maintenance and development. We are obliged to note that engineers, against a backdrop of threats to the management team and excessive politicization in the management of the company.