This novel follows the journey of young Martin Chuzzlewit, a selfish man who seeks fortune and self-discovery. After a falling out with his wealthy grandfather, Martin travels to America, only to face harsh realities that force him to reassess his values. Through a wide cast of colorful characters, including the scheming Pecksniff and loyal Tom Pinch, Dickens weaves a satirical tale of greed, hypocrisy, and redemption, ultimately celebrating the importance of kindness and moral growth. Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was the most popular English novelist of the Victorian era, creating some of English literature's most iconic characters. Martin Chuzzlewit is last of his picaresque novels and his favorite, although among his least popular. Its theme is selfishness, portrayed in a satirical fashion and includes two of Dickens' great villains, Seth Pecksniff and Jonas Chuzzlewit.
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