New York zu Ende des letzten Jahrhunderts. Der deutschstämmige Martin Dressler, Sohn eines Zigarrendrehers, beginnt seine Karriere in einem der prächtigen Hotels der Stadt. Vom Liftboy bringt er es zum Manager und schließlich zum Besitzer eigener Hotels, Stätten des Luxus und des Wohlbehagens. Nach und nach aber muß er erkennen, daß Besitz nicht alles ist. Er träumt von einer Welt vollkommenen Glücks und strebt danach, diesen Traum zu verwirklichen.
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award Finalist
Young Martin Dressler begins his career as an industrious helper in his father's cigar store. In the course of his restless young manhood, he makes a swift and eventful rise to the top, accompanied by two sisters--one a dreamlike shadow, the other a worldly business partner. As the eponymous Martin's vision becomes bolder and bolder he walks a haunted line between fantasy and reality, madness and ambition, art and industry, a sense of doom builds piece-by-hypnotic piece until this mesmerizing journey into the heart of an American dreamer reaches its bitter-sweet conclusion.
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award Finalist
Young Martin Dressler begins his career as an industrious helper in his father's cigar store. In the course of his restless young manhood, he makes a swift and eventful rise to the top, accompanied by two sisters--one a dreamlike shadow, the other a worldly business partner. As the eponymous Martin's vision becomes bolder and bolder he walks a haunted line between fantasy and reality, madness and ambition, art and industry, a sense of doom builds piece-by-hypnotic piece until this mesmerizing journey into the heart of an American dreamer reaches its bitter-sweet conclusion.