Table of contents:
Bibliographical Note. Chr. Van BOHEEMEN and Colleen LAMOS: Joycean Masculinities: An Introduction. Margot NORRIS: Masculinity Games in "After the Race". Paul LIN: Standing the Empire: Drinking, Masculinity, and Modernity in "Counterparts". Colleen LAMOS: Duffy's Subjectivation: The Psychic Life of "A Painful Case". Richard BROWN: "As If a Man Were Author of Himself: Literature, Mourning and Masculinity in "The Dead". Elizabeth BRUNAZZI: Narrative Authority in Joyce's Portrait and Flaubert's Novembre. Tracey TEETS SCHWARTZE: "Do You Call That a Man?": The Culture of Anxious Masculinity in Ulysses. Vicki MAHAFFEY: Ulysses and the End of Gender. Karen LAWRENCE: "Twenty Pockets Arent Enough for Their Lies": Pocketed Objects as Props of Bloom's Masculinity in Ulysses. Sheldon BRIVIC: Dealing in Shame: Gender in Joyce's "Circe". Michael HEUMANN: The Haunted Inkbottle: Shem's Shit-Script and Anal Eroticism in Finnegans Wake. Christine van BOHEEMEN-SAAF: Postcolonial Masculinity and Gender Trauma. Contributors
Bibliographical Note. Chr. Van BOHEEMEN and Colleen LAMOS: Joycean Masculinities: An Introduction. Margot NORRIS: Masculinity Games in "After the Race". Paul LIN: Standing the Empire: Drinking, Masculinity, and Modernity in "Counterparts". Colleen LAMOS: Duffy's Subjectivation: The Psychic Life of "A Painful Case". Richard BROWN: "As If a Man Were Author of Himself: Literature, Mourning and Masculinity in "The Dead". Elizabeth BRUNAZZI: Narrative Authority in Joyce's Portrait and Flaubert's Novembre. Tracey TEETS SCHWARTZE: "Do You Call That a Man?": The Culture of Anxious Masculinity in Ulysses. Vicki MAHAFFEY: Ulysses and the End of Gender. Karen LAWRENCE: "Twenty Pockets Arent Enough for Their Lies": Pocketed Objects as Props of Bloom's Masculinity in Ulysses. Sheldon BRIVIC: Dealing in Shame: Gender in Joyce's "Circe". Michael HEUMANN: The Haunted Inkbottle: Shem's Shit-Script and Anal Eroticism in Finnegans Wake. Christine van BOHEEMEN-SAAF: Postcolonial Masculinity and Gender Trauma. Contributors