An arts master plan s a tool to create a commun ty that embraces the local arts as a un que and v tal resorce wh ch shapes and reflects the c ty s cultural dent ty, wh le leverag ng the arts as a key component for an overall econom c development strategy. This research exam nes the suitability of landscape arch tects to lead the des gn and development of arts master plans for commun t es by assessing current arts master plan practices in major US metropolitan areas. It first identifies the needs of the arts master planning process through systemat c documentat on of expert op n ons, then compares them to the scope of master plann ng for the arts. This scholarly inquiry not only searches for prerequ s tes and profess onal apt tudes needed to successfully complete a commun ty art s master plan and assess the role of landscape arch tects but also positions landscape architecture and arts master planning within the broader context of planning process of large cities in the US.