2 Angebote ab € 7,50 €
  • Gebundenes Buch

Matchbox Theatre presents a miniature sketch show: thirty dialogues and monologues by Michael Frayn, to be played in the smallest theatre in the world - the theatre of your own imagination.
Sir Geoffrye and Lady Hilarye, sleeping peacefully on their marble tomb these last six hundred years, are woken by the thump of rock music in the crypt beneath them ...
A gala performance of Shakespeare, and as a special treat the sponsor's guests are being wined and dined on stage as extras in the banquet scene ...
The eternal triangle in an airport departure lounge: two lovers and the flight

Matchbox Theatre presents a miniature sketch show: thirty dialogues and monologues by Michael Frayn, to be played in the smallest theatre in the world - the theatre of your own imagination.

Sir Geoffrye and Lady Hilarye, sleeping peacefully on their marble tomb these last six hundred years, are woken by the thump of rock music in the crypt beneath them ...

A gala performance of Shakespeare, and as a special treat the sponsor's guests are being wined and dined on stage as extras in the banquet scene ...

The eternal triangle in an airport departure lounge: two lovers and the flight announcements ...

The scripts are provided. Everything else - casting, set design, ice-cream sales - is up to the reader ...
Michael Frayn, geboren 1933, verfasste nach seinem Philosophie-Studium neben seiner journalistischen Tätigkeit für den "Manchester Guardian", den Londoner "Observer" und die BBC eine Reihe von vorwiegend satirischen Romanen und Theaterstücken um bürgerliche Konvention, Snobismus, Heuchelei und überkommene Strukturen wie z.B. "Der nackte Wahnsinn" (1982). Sein Roman "Headlong" wurde für den Booker-Prize nominiert. Daneben übersetzte Frayn Werke von Anouilh, Tolstoij, Trifonov, Tschechow. Sein erster Film "Clockwise" kam 1986 (Hauptrolle: John Cleese) heraus. Sein zweiter Film "First and Last" gewann 1990 den "International Emmy Award". Für seinen Roman "Das Spionagespiel" erhielt Frayn 2002 den Whitbread Novel Award.
I absolutely loved Matchbox Theatre. They are all terrific, but A Stiff Drink was the one that made me shout with laughter whilst alone in the room. John Finnemore, of Cabin Pressure and John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme