Matching Stars is set in India, in the bustling maze-like city of Ahmedabad. It begins in the year 2005 when two strangers-Mayuri and Raag-enter an equation set by their matching stars. Mayuri is a young and witty girl, an engineering student, living in Ahmedabad. Regardless of being born and raised in a strictly traditional family where most of her life decisions are either influenced or chosen by her parents, she is in search of finding her niche in the world she thinks has endless possibilities. Raag is a handsome young man, born in India, who lives in the United States and works at an IT firm. He is smart, talented, and an only child to a single mother. Raag's poised persona and high thinking can melt the coldest of hearts. What brings these two strangers together is their matching stars, a process that some Indian families follow before an arranged marriage. If two people are to have a happy married life, their stars must match and fortunately Raag and Mayuri are a perfect match based on their stars. This is a story of the possibility of their life together amid hurdles such as oceans of distance between them, Mayuri's seeking for more than what is planned for her, the strict traditional culture that binds her within the boundaries of predefined norms, and Raag's dreams. Though bound by the social norms, Mayuri has her own ways to break free from them and writing her own adventure tale. Being a headstrong woman, we have our own fair share of struggles, and so does Mayuri. This is a story that makes you wonder about the magic of love, the secret bond two people share, and the elixir of life.
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