Among the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, preeclampsia is an entity that represents a great challenge for physicians, because its etiopathogenesis is currently not fully understood. Preeclampsia can be classified as mild or severe, depending on the degree of blood pressure, such as proteinuria, but the occurrence of complications is not limited to its severity, often depends on the idiosyncrasies of each patient. In the study carried out at the Alfredo G. Paulson Hospital, 1452 patients were diagnosed with preeclampsia, of whom 496 presented complications, which corresponds to 31.95% of the patients with preeclampsia, finding preterm delivery as the most frequent complication, which corresponded to 51.21% of the complications; additionally, it was found that the mortality rate produced by preeclampsia in the study was 3.22%. The main method of termination of pregnancy was vaginal delivery by cesarean section. Thus concluding that the importance of the study and knowledge of complications and their management will help us to further reduce the mortality rate caused by this pathology.