Gene PeaseMath Is Everywhere
365 Ways You and Your Child Can Apply Math in the Real World
Dr. Gene Pease is an educator and parent. She has worked with and students of all ages, and their parents, in the U.S. and internationally.
Preface Introduction Chapter 1: Money Sense Starts Early in Life Chapter
2: Things to do in a Waiting Room Chapter 3: Planning, Searching,
Comparing, Couponing Chapter 4: Shopping for Clothes Chapter 5: Are we
eating at home tonight? Chapter 6: Create a family calendar or a daily T.V.
schedule. Chapter 7: Get in the car, it's time to go! Chapter 8: Let's plan
a get-away Chapter 9: Home is where we can just hang out. Chapter 10: The
sun's shining, let's go outside. Chapter 11: Let's get dirty and grow
something. Chapter 12: Sports of all sorts! Chapter 13: When is Pi day, or
is it pie day? Chapter 14: Special recipes, but they're not just for food!
Chapter 15: Resources to help you get going with your own ideas. Chapter
16: How do humans develop and what's that got to do with math? Chapter 17:
How do teachers teach math? Chapter 18: A whole new world! References