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This is a book guaranteed to delight the reader. It not only depicts the state of mathematics at the end of the century, but is also full of remarkable insights into its future de- velopment as we enter a new millennium. True to its title, the book extends beyond the spectrum of mathematics to in- clude contributions from other related sciences. You will enjoy reading the many stimulating contributions and gain insights into the astounding progress of mathematics and the perspectives for its future. One of the editors, Björn Eng- quist, is a world-renowned researcher in computational sci- ence…mehr

This is a book guaranteed to delight the reader. It not only depicts the state of mathematics at the end of the century, but is also full of remarkable insights into its future de- velopment as we enter a new millennium. True to its title, the book extends beyond the spectrum of mathematics to in- clude contributions from other related sciences. You will enjoy reading the many stimulating contributions and gain insights into the astounding progress of mathematics and the perspectives for its future. One of the editors, Björn Eng- quist, is a world-renowned researcher in computational sci- ence and engineering. The second editor, Wilfried Schmid, is a distinguished mathematician at Harvard University. Likewi- se the authors are all foremost mathematicians and scien- tists, and their biographies and photographs appear at the end of the book. Unique in both form and content, this is a "must-read" for every mathematician and scientist and, in particular, for graduates still choosing their specialty.
This book is an essential purchase for every library and mathematics department. It is a very valuable source for those of us engaged in careers talks, information evenings or pep talks to high school students. It provides a unique snapshot of mathematics as it stands today and perhaps the best view available of where mathematics will be going in the next century. For all mathematicians from the undergraduate level onwards, this book will serve as an inspiration for the further pursuit of mathematics. Australian Mathematical Society GAZETTE, October 2001 "Mathematics: Frontiers and Perspectives Mathematics Unlimited: 2001 and Beyond Rezensioned by David P. Roberts Frontiers and 2001 are both inspired by David Hilbert's famous address to the International Congress of Mathematicians in 1900 in Paris. Hilbert asked, "What new methods and new facts in the wide and rich field of mathematical thought will the new centuries disclose?" These books in one sense answer Hilberts question, as they form a huge montage of where mathematics is now. But in another sense, they raise Hilbert's question again: where is mathematics going? ...So 2001 is larger than Frontiers and is working with a more inclusive notion of mathematics. These are important differences, but otherwise the two books are quite similar. A typical paper in either book is quite broad in subject matter. ... Many papers are also broad in that they address the history of their subject and also make predictions about future developments. ........Frontiers is an excellent book, but it is 2001 which has a better claim to capturing and defining the mathematical spirit of our times. ... MAA Online Book Rezension Column, for detailed review have a look at "Mathematics Unlimited - ein einzigartiger Sammelband "Mathematics Unlimited - 2001 and Beyond" ist einzigartig in der mathematischen Literatur.…mehr