In this thrilling second installment of the metaphysical fantasy series, the world has been devastated by climate disasters as a consequence of excessive industrialization. Maya, Björn, and their small tribe of survivors return to Earth, only to find a barren land devoid of human civilization. As they struggle to adapt to harsh and desolate conditions, Maya becomes separated from her tribe, facing certain demise. However, an unexpected alliance with a wild bear becomes her source of strength. Amidst the planet's vulnerability, a looming threat known as Sky Consciousness intensifies. Maya realizes that she alone cannot defeat this powerful entity. After uncovering dormant metaphysical powers within herself, Maya embarks on a quest to locate four individuals whose unique abilities complement her own. But on a desolate planet, finding them proves to be a daunting challenge. Join Maya on an epic journey of survival, self-discovery, and unraveling the mysteries of her newfound powers as she navigates the perils of a harsh and unforgiving world; An adventure that blends elemental magic, environmental themes, and mysticism, captivating readers with its richly imagined world and the unyielding spirit of its protagonist. ¿¿¿¿¿ "...There were so many points where I felt moved to tears and/goosebumps. It felt as if I was growing and maturing with her (Maya). That was probably the quickest I've completed reading a book in several years. The story kept me locked in. Highly recommended to those who are passionate about metaphysics and intuition." - Goodreads Review
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