One day I decided to scribble a few words with a simple pencil, to remember my childhood in this way. But as soon as I wrote these few words, I heard the squeak of an offended corpuscle - something was squeaking under my pencil, but there was no way to make out what exactly. Finally, almost burying my nose and ear in the ill-fated piece of paper, I still made out some words in this continuous squeak. It was an incredible case. He talked to me a certain Mr. Graphene, in nature, a detached layer one atom thick from the lead of my pencil... He was very unhappy with me, since I last used it (as…mehr
One day I decided to scribble a few words with a simple pencil, to remember my childhood in this way. But as soon as I wrote these few words, I heard the squeak of an offended corpuscle - something was squeaking under my pencil, but there was no way to make out what exactly. Finally, almost burying my nose and ear in the ill-fated piece of paper, I still made out some words in this continuous squeak. It was an incredible case. He talked to me a certain Mr. Graphene, in nature, a detached layer one atom thick from the lead of my pencil... He was very unhappy with me, since I last used it (as part of a pencil) almost a year ago. But he's not some kind of simpleton, this mister belonged to an-other universe! Yes! Mr. Grafen was, imagine, a two-dimensional being, and he had no height, no height at all! Thus, he had only two dimensions - width and length. This is such a supercar lick. The piece of paper I was writing on was also two-dimensional, well, almost two-dimensional, since itsthickness, although it was more than one atom, was still too small for a piece of paper to consider itself a full-fledged three-dimensional object.