Most decision making processes involve risk
associated with the uncertainty of a range of
outcomes that may, or may not, occur at some time in
the future. In recent years, many of the recent
advances in risk theory have come from the field of
financial mathematics. While the latter subject is
now well developed I claim that there are still some
important aspects of decision-making involving risk
that are not covered by the existing theory. In
particular, I believe that the following three
questions require further investigations. 1. How to
make big returns with high probability? 2. How to
price financial derivatives on weather sensitive
assets? 3. How to minimize risks associated with
extreme temperatures? I proposed a number of
techniques to hedge risk both in financial
portfolios and in environmental problems. Hence this
book supplies, at least partial, answers to each of
these challenging questions. The analysis should
help shed some light on this dynamic and risky
financial environment, and should be especially
useful to professionals in financial service, risk
management in investment banking system and the
energy markets.
associated with the uncertainty of a range of
outcomes that may, or may not, occur at some time in
the future. In recent years, many of the recent
advances in risk theory have come from the field of
financial mathematics. While the latter subject is
now well developed I claim that there are still some
important aspects of decision-making involving risk
that are not covered by the existing theory. In
particular, I believe that the following three
questions require further investigations. 1. How to
make big returns with high probability? 2. How to
price financial derivatives on weather sensitive
assets? 3. How to minimize risks associated with
extreme temperatures? I proposed a number of
techniques to hedge risk both in financial
portfolios and in environmental problems. Hence this
book supplies, at least partial, answers to each of
these challenging questions. The analysis should
help shed some light on this dynamic and risky
financial environment, and should be especially
useful to professionals in financial service, risk
management in investment banking system and the
energy markets.