Present study shows the survey of mechanical energy, consumed during various operations like ploughing, harrowing, blade harrowing, planking, sowing, harvesting and threshing are performed by mechanical power, for wheat and ground nut of junagadh taluk. For this purpose 10 villages were selected randomly and 10 farmers were selected from 10 villages. Thus, sample of 100 farmers were selected for survey purpose. An interview schedule was specially prepared for the purpose of collecting information regarding socio-economic characteristics; like age group, family size, education, land holding, irrigation power possessed, source of irrigation, adoption pattern of farm machinery like tractors, seed bed preparation, sowing, interculturing, harvesting, threshing, plant protection implements, time and fuel consumption per hector for calculation of mechanical energy of different farm operations. Mechanical energy consumed during operations was calculated and level of farm mechanization was determined.