Nanomaterials have assumed substantial importance due to their exotic chemical, mechanical, optical and electromagnetic properties. This book focuses on thermal plasma based vapor-phase production and impact assembly of nanoparticles into superhard films and micropatterns. The particles are deposited onto temperature-controlled substrates via hypersonic impaction. High impact velocities of about ~1650 m/s consolidate the particles into films. We also demonstrate an aerodynamically focused nanoparticle beam deposition method for micromolding of MEMS components. Additionally, we have developed a load-deflection measurement system for evaluating the Young's modulus of our nanoparticle composites. A Nanoindenter is used to deflect double clamped beams machined from our deposits using focused ion beam milling. These beams behave elastically for small deformations. Porosity variation in our deposits was linked to variation of measured Young s moduli. Finally we have used discrete element method models with support from molecular dynamics simulations to create a multiscale framework to mimic the measured Young's modulus behavior of our nanoparticulate deposits.