Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Klaus Zimmermann
Curriculum Vitae (table)
- Born in Suhl, Germany
- Polytechnical Oberschule in Suhl, Germany
- Advanced Oberschule in Suhl, Germany
- Martin-Luther-University in Halle, Germany, Institute of preparation of studies abroad
- Study of "Theoretical Mechanics" at the Charkov State University, Ukraina, diploma degree (Dipl.-Ing.) with grade "summa cum laude"
- Scientific employee at the Department of Technical Mechanics /
Mechanism Technology of the Technische Hochschule (TH) Ilmenau
1985 Visiting research position at the Belarusian National Technical University Minsk, Belarus
1985 PhD degree (Dr.-Ing.) with grade "magna cum laude" at the TH Ilmenau
- Assistant Professor at the Department of Technical Mechanics / Mechanism Technology, and at the Institute of Microsystems Technology, Mechatronics and Mechanics of the TU Ilmenau, resp.
1987,1989 Visiting research positions at the University of Pisa, Italy
1990 Habilitation (Dr.-Ing. habil.) in Technical Mechanics with subject "Mathematische Modellierung und rechnerunterstützte Simulation im Entwicklungsprozess technischer Systeme und in der Ingenieurausbildung"
- Temporary Professorship of Technical Mechanics at the Technical University (TU) Ilmenau
- Text-book "Übungsaufgaben Technische Mechanik" (Fachbuchverlag Leipzig-Köln)
1997 University Professor (C4) of Technical Mechanics at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the TU Ilmenau
2000,2003 Text-book "Technische Mechanik-multimedial" (Fachbuchverlag Leipzig-Köln)
since 2002 Leadership of a subproject of the Collaborative Research Centre 622 "Nanopositioning- and Nanomeasuring-Maschines"
2004-2005 Dean at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the TU Ilmenau
Dr. rer. nat. Igor Zeidis
Curriculum Vitae (table)
22.03.1950 Born in Moscow, Russia
1957-1967 Secondary School in Moscow, Russia
1967-1972 Study of "Mechanics"at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Lomonosov State University Moscow, Russia, diploma degree (Dipl.-Math.)
1972-1975 Scientific employee at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Lomonosov State University Moscow
1975-1980 Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Lomonosov State University Moscow
1980 PhD degree at the Lomonosov State University Moscow
1980-1993 Associated Professor at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Lomonosov State University Moscow
1993 Removal on a permanent residence to Germany
since 1998 Scientific research position at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the TU Ilmenau